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domingo, 27 de maio de 2018

Her Hollywood Boyfriend (The Awkward Duckling #2)

I was given an ARC in exchange of an honest review.


Macey Greere was the girl who fell in love with her book boyfriend. Now she is the girl who was dumped on national television. Ever the perpetual list maker, she decides to create and follow a 10-step program inspired by her favorite romance movies on how to get over heartbreak. 

Of course, nothing ever goes as she plans. 

He is Mr. Hollywood with the paparazzi stalkers to prove it. His goal is to have a normal, drama-free summer as a counselor for his little brother’s summer camp. That is, until he meets her. 

He’s not part of the plan…or so she thinks.


This book was different of what I was expecting.

First, I didn´t know it was the second installment in a series. If I knew, I would not ask for it, specially after knowing that the first book was about Macey as well, but with Cam, the guy who cheated on her after two weeks of they started dating, and in this short time he developed a drug addiction. WHAT THE #2$*? 

I must say, that if this book was only one, it was a sweet book, it had a great premise, but it was lacking is characters development. Macey was too childish, her friends were okay and Jace was great, and much more mature than her, I loved his little brother.

There are a character who was too much for me, because they were in a camping for children with disabilities, and the whole point of the camp was to found acceptance of every kind, and Macey´s archenemy it´s a big bully, and no one does nothing about it.


Este livro foi bem diferente do que eu esperava.

Primeiro, eu não sabia que era o segundo livro de uma série. Se eu soubesse, eu não teria solicitado, especialmente depois de saber que o primeiro livro era sobre Macey também, mas com Cam, o cara que a traiu depois de duas semanas de namoro, e nesse curto tempo ele desenvolveu um dependência de drogas. WTF?

Devo dizer que, se este livro fosse apenas um, seria um livro legal, com uma grande premissa, mas deixou a desejar no desenvolvimento dos personagens. Macey era muito infantil, suas amigas estavam bem e Jace era ótimo, e muito mais maduro do que ela, eu amei o irmão mais novo dele.

Há um personagem que foi demais para mim, porque eles estavam em um camping para crianças com deficiências, e todo o objetivo do acampamento era encontrar aceitação de todos os tipos, e a arquiinimigo da Macey é uma bully, e ninguém faz nada sobre isso.

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